EMDR Intensive FAQ

  • What is EMDR?

    Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) is an evidence based therapy that heals stress responses using the body’s natural biological processes. Learning more about the science of this is included during the intensive intake process but you can also start exploring more on this through EMDRIA’s website - https://www.emdria.org/.

  • What is an EMDR Intensive?

    An EMDR intensive is different than weekly therapy - its unique on its own. During your intensive, your therapist is only working with you in a cozy retreat like office setting. You have their undivided attention for 15 hours to prioritize your top concerns. This includes a free 30 minute consult, 90 minute intake, and 3 five hour days of therapy.

  • What if I want a weekly therapist?

    Many people wonder if they can also work with a weekly therapist - and yes you can but it is not required. You can pair an intensive and gain benefits with or without the addition of traditional therapy. We welcome you to continue working with your current clinician or we can also recommend you to someone!

  • Why not just do weekly therapy?

    Simplest answer is convenience and effectiveness. In an intensive you get undivided attention from a therapist and get 6 months of therapy benefits within a week of effort. EMDR is shown to achieve faster symptom reduction (Greenwald, 2020). Therapy done in an intensive approach - meaning in consecutive chunks of time as opposed to weekly therapy - is shown to have lower rates of dropping out and higher motivation to complete treatment due to seeing faster results (Mendez et al, 2018). EMDR treatment is also shown to be highly effective with lasting results despite taking significantly less time (Hurley, 2018).

  • What should I know about pricing and payment?

    EMDR intensives require clearing the week of appointments and are rigorous work. Given we make 6 months of therapy progress in 1 week, you get your bang for your buck! The intensive is priced at $4,000 and can be paid in full or in payment installment plans.

  • What is the process like?

    The process is meant to ensure you get the most of your time and money. After a 30 minute free consultation to ensure a good fit, you will participate in a 90 minute virtual intake session to get into further detail about your hopes for the experience, begin learning about EMDR, learn effective coping skills, and prepare you for the process overall. During the 15 hours, split between 3 days, EMDR therapy will occur to foster healing, change, and growth. Clients report the experience as profound and transformational. A closing ritual will occur to celebrate what you have accomplished.