Secret Struggles of People Pleasers
Being nice isn’t always nice.
A people pleasers problems go unseen.
Once I started noticing it, I couldn't stop seeing it everywhere. It was running rampant in my friend groups, it got to some of my family, and it even showed up in the work place. It would break people out into nervous sweats, it would keep them from speaking up, it would make their heart and thoughts race, and even kept them up at night sometimes. They would replay things they said in their mind and second guess themselves.
That thing was people pleasing.
Once I could put a label to it. I was determined to learn more about how it started to show up in people's lives in the first place. I wanted to know all of the symptoms. And most of all, I wanted to know how to help people heal from it. Luckily, I was able to do all three and now dedicate my work to helping "partying people pleasers". Those who walk on the wild side but want to heal their relationship with themselves, others, and often times substances!
Since my time starting to work with these individuals, And if I am being honest, my own people pleasing tendencies) I have noticed their struggles aren't easier than anyone else. Often times others put "labels" or assign worth to "who has it worse". But in this life, we need to make more space for EVERYONE's struggles. There is enough healing to go around. Often misunderstood, I want to help shine some light on my people pleasers out there who often struggle in silence. I want your voice to be heard.
Three (of many) Secret Stuggles of People Pleasers
1. Experience anxiety about their importance to others or they feel like the only thing they have to offer is service/meeting their partners needs
2. Feel pressure to be perfect, "good" , or needless
3. Feel like a burden / feel like they would be "too much" if they show they have needs
If you feel called out by this post (as many of my loved ones often call me and tell me they do) I would love to be a part of your healing journey. I promise that you never were a burden and that you are enough as you are. Maybe you aren't ready for therapy yet. Thats okay. I encourage you to check out my blogs via the link in my bio or just keep following my page for support.